Sunday, April 29, 2012


A poor couple who lived in a
small village in Pakistan. They
had only one son. Gave him
the best education. Son.
graduated as an Engineer in
the nearby city. Eventually,
got married to a rich girl.
Initially, they lived with his
parents in the village. Soon
the wife got tired of village
life and persuaded the
husband to move to the city
leaving the old parents in the
village. As time went the
husband seen an advert in
the newspaper about a
vacancy in Jeddah. He was
successful and lived in Jeddah
for years with his wife.
Regularly he used to send
money to parents. Eventually
with time he stopped and
forgot about his parents ever
existed. Every year he made
Hajj and immediately after
that he used to see someone
telling him in a dream that his
Hajj is not accepted. One day
he related story to a pious
Aalim who advised him to go
back to Pakistan to visit his
parents. The man flew to
Pakistan and reached the
boundary of the village.
Everything had changed. He
could not find his house. He
asked a small boy about the
whereabouts of so and so.
The little boy directed the
man to a house and said: "In
this house lives an old blind
lady who lost her husband a
few months ago. She has a
son who migrated to Saudi
Arabia years back and never
came back again. What an
unfortunate man?" Son
enters the home and finds his
mother on the bed. He tip-
toed as not to wake her up.
He hears the mother
whispering or mumbling
something. He gets closer to
hear her voice. This is what
the mother was saying: "Ya
Allah ! I am now very old and
blind. My husband just died.
There is NO MAHRAM to lower
me in my grave when I die. So
please send my son to fullfill
my last wish. " This is the
ending of a story where the
DUA of a mother is accepted.
A human body can bear only
45 del (unit) of pain. But at
the time of giving birth,a
mother feels upto 57 del
(unit) of pain. This is similar
FRACTURED, all at the same
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Saturday, April 28, 2012


A certain man died and went to heaven. He was granted a chance to go round God's premises and below was his observations as the angel Gabriel took him around.

They entered the first department, a very big hall where so many angels (in their millions) were busy sorting letters. The man was surprised
surprised and asked
in amusement, "what are they doing?"
Gabriel answered, "they are sorting letters of prayer requests according to their categories, for people who are pick, seeking jobs, need deliverance, for divine intervention etc.
They moved into the next department where they say almost the same set up, but this time, the angels were packing letters into boxes and sealing then. Again, the man asked what they were doing and the angel told him that they were sealing God's letter in reply to the request made by people on earth for healing, jobs and so on.

Lastly, they went to the last department where they saw only one man sitting and dozing with nothing much to en. This time, the man asked the angel slowly, "why is this man sitting here?" Gabriel turned and looked at the man, this department is not always as busy as the other ones. The angel here is supposed to be receiving letters of thanksgiving from people on earth who have recieved their replies of blessing, healing and so on... From God, but none of them seem to remember where the blessings came from. That is why this department has only one man to take care of all the duties, and he is never busy, that's why you see him dozing
The man's heart was moved, tears dropped from his eyes and he wished he could go back to Earth to inform his brothers and sisters of what he saw.
Dear reader, what has God done to you? How many answers to your requests have you recieved? How many obstacles have you overcome? In how many wars of life did you find yourself a victor? Did you give thanks to God? Now, today, you are alive, strong and healthy, having a good job and a loving family, have you thanked God for that?
If really you want God to keep on answering your requests, try giving thanks in any way you can any time you recieve God's blessing, also, share this with as many of your friends you want God to bless using the sharing tools, to help them realize they really ought to always show appreciation to God. It's not more than that. Have a change of attitude to God and He'll keep blessing you.
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Thursday, April 26, 2012


"Right now, there are people
all over the world who are
just like you. They’re either
lonely or they're missing
somebody. They are in love
with someone they probably
shouldn’t be in love with.
They have secrets you
wouldn’t believe. They wish
and they dream and they
hope, and they look out the
window whenever they’re
in the car or on a bus or a
train and they watch people
on the streets and wonder
what they’ve been through.
They wonder if there are
people out there like them.
They’re like you, and you
could tell them everything
and they would understand.
And right now, they’re
sitting here reading these
words, and I’m writing this
for you so you don’t feel
alone anymore."
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Tuesday, April 24, 2012


A little girl and her father were crossing a bridge. The father was a kind of sacred so he asked his daughter
"sweetheart, please hold my hand so that you don't fall into the river." the little girl replied, "No dad, you hold my hand
"what's the difference?" asked the puzzled father.
"There's a big difference," replied the girl, "If I hold your hand and something happens to me, there are chances that I may let your hand go. But if you hold my hand, I know for sure that no matter what happens, you will never let my hand go"

In any relationship, the
essence of trust is not in its
bind, but in its bond. So hold
the hand of the person
whom you love rather than
expecting them to hold
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Saturday, April 21, 2012


If Cinderella had gone back to pick her shoe, she wouldn't have become a princess! And remember that in the Bible, Lot's Wife Wouldn't have turn into a pillar of Salt if She didn't look back...

SO friends, Never look back! Remember, Forward ever, backward never.
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Wednesday, April 18, 2012


A guy promised his girlfriend that he would buy her a diamond ring as her birthday gift. The girl was very happy. She went to the salon to have some make over to look beautiful on her birthday. She bought make-ups, new clothes and new shoes. Finally, the day she's been waiting for, arrived. She looked elegant, gorgeous...the dream girl for every man. Everybody was focused on her. The party was going to take place in one of those party buses. They were going to pick up her boyfriend from a bus stop. When her boyfriend arrived with a simple doll, the girl got mad at her boyfriend. She thought that he would give her a diamond ring instead of a doll. She threw the doll away. The guy ask the bus driver to stop the bus so that he can pick up the doll, but he was hit by a car. He died in hospital after few hours later. The girl felt very sorry, she cried every minute. At the funeral the girl remembered the good times they had. She hugged the doll tightly, full of love and regret. She was shocked when the doll talked and said "HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY, will you marry me? She then gets the ring in the doll's pocket with the note, hope you like it, I love you! The girl was cried even louder and shouted, " I'm sorry baby, i didn't know, i love u too", but the guy was gone forever.

We should learn to appreciate whatever comes our way because it might just be what we actually need and not what we want

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Tuesday, April 17, 2012


  • Once, all villagers decided to
    pray for rain, on the day of
    prayer all the People gathered
    but only one boy came with an

  • When you throw a baby in the
    air, she laughs because she
    knows you will catch her...

  • Every night we go to bed,
    without any assurance of being
    alive the next Morning but still
    we set the alarms in our watch
    to wake up...

  • We plan big things for
    tomorrow in spite of zero
    knowledge of the future or
    having any certainty of

  • We see the world suffering. We
    know there is every possibility
    of the same or similar things
    happening to us. But still we get
  • Read more ...

    Saturday, April 14, 2012


    This is not a story, it's just a little brain exercise for you to do... Okay?

    Are you ready?

    Do you think you can multitask?
    Try this:
    1. sit on a chair, lift your right
    foot off the floor and make
    clockwise circles with it.
    2. While still doing that, draw the
    number 6 with your right hand.
    You can't help it: your foot will
    change direction.
    Below is another similar exercise
    similar to the first:
    1. move your right leg in anti-
    clockwise circles
    2. While still doing that, draw the
    number 8 with your right hand.

    What were your results

    Feel free to post your comments
    Share this exercise with your friends with any of the sharing tools below if you find it interesting.
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    Friday, April 13, 2012


    Many years ago, when a person
    who owed money could be
    thrown into jail, a merchant in
    London had the misfortune to
    owe a huge sum to a money-
    lender. The money-lender, who
    was old, ugly and wicked,
    fancied the merchant's beautiful
    teenage daughter. He proposed
    a bargain. He said he would
    cancel the merchant's debt if he
    could have the girl instead.
    Both the merchant and his
    daughter were horrified at the
    proposal. So the cunning
    money-lender proposed that
    they let Providence decide the
    matter. He told them that he
    would put a black pebble and a
    white pebble into an empty
    money-bag and then the girl
    would have to pick out one of
    the pebbles. If she chose the
    black pebble, she would become
    his wife and her father's debt
    would be cancelled. If she chose
    the white pebble she would stay
    with her father and the debt
    would still be cancelled. But if
    she refused to pick out a pebble,
    her father would be thrown into
    jail and she would starve.
    Reluctantly, the merchant
    agreed. They were standing on a
    pebble-strewn path in the
    merchant's garden as they
    talked and the money-lender
    stooped down to pick up the
    two pebbles. As he picked up
    the pebbles, the girl, sharp-eyed
    with fright, noticed that he
    picked up two black pebbles and
    put them into the money-bag.
    He then asked the girl to pick
    out the pebble that was to
    decide her fate and that of her
    Imagine that you are standing
    on the path in the merchant's
    garden. What would you have
    done if you had been the
    unfortunate girl? Refuse to take
    a pebble? Point out that there
    are two black pebbles in the bag
    and expose the money-lender as
    a cheat ? Take a black pebble
    and sacrifice yourself in order to
    save your father from prison?
    None of the suggestions is very
    helpful, for if the girl does not
    take a pebble her father goes to
    prison, and if she does take a
    pebble, then she has to marry
    the money-lender.
    The girl in the pebble story put
    her hand into them oney-bag
    and drew out a pebble. Without
    looking at it, she fumbled and
    let it fall to the path, where it
    was immediately lost among all
    the others.
    "Oh, how clumsy of me," she
    said, "but never mind - if you
    look into the bag you will be
    able to tell which pebble I took
    by the color of the one that is
    Since the remaining pebble is of
    course black, it must be
    assumed that she had taken the
    white pebble, since the money-
    lender dare not admit his
    dishonesty. In this way, using
    lateral thinking, the girl changes
    what seems an impossible
    situation into an extremely
    advantageous one!
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    Tuesday, April 10, 2012


    Carefully read through each of the following...

    -Warn your girl child never to sit on anyone's laps
    matter the situation including uncles.

    -Avoid getting dressed in front of your child once
    she is 2years old. Lean to excuse yourself.

    -If you have to hire a house-help please kindly take
    them for HIV screening to determine their HIV
    properly interview them and make up your mind
    treat them well.

    -Never allow any adult refer to your new born as
    wife' or 'my husband'

    -Never tempt your husband with your younger
    sister. (Else he'd say its hers and the devil's

    -Avoid unnecessary familiarity and make sure you
    care of your husband by yourself lest you lead
    him into

    -Whenever your child goes out to play with
    make sure you look for a way to find out what
    kind of
    play they played together because young people
    sexually abuse themselves.

    -Never force your child to visit any adult he or she
    not comfortable with and also be observant if your
    becomes too fond of a particular adult.

    -Once a very lively child suddenly becomes
    you might need to patiently ask a lot of questions
    your child.

    -If you don't teach your children about sex, the
    will teach them the wrong values.

    -It is always advisable you go through any new
    like cartoons you just bought for them before they
    seeing it themselves.

    -Teach your 3year olds how to wash their private
    properly and warn them never to allow anyone
    those areas and that includes you.

    (remember, charity begins at home and with you)

    -Blacklist some materials you think could threaten
    sanity of your child (that includes music, movies
    musicians) and let them understand the value of
    standing out of the crowd.

    -Once your child complains about a particular
    don't keep quiet about it. Take up the case and
    them you can defend them always!

    Now If after reading through this and you think its useful enough.
    Please LIKE it and don't forget to Pass it on. Feel free to share it using any of the sharing tools below. Happy today
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    Sunday, April 8, 2012

    mORAL BITs

    "When I woke up this morning lying on my bed, I asked myself, What are some of the secrets of success in life?
    I found answers right there, in my room...

  • The fan cool.
  • The ceiling said...aim high.
  • The window said...see the world.
  • The clock said....every second counts.
  • The mirror said.....reflect before you act.
  • The calender said... Be up to date....
  • The door said... Push hard for your goals"

    Hmmm! May the lord be our guide today. Happy Easter.
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    Friday, April 6, 2012


    Mr. and Mrs. George a newly
    wedded young couple moves
    into a new
    The next morning,
    while they are eating breakfast,
    young woman sees her neighbor
    her washed clothes outside,
    she needs better laundry soap she
    Her husband looked on, but
    remained silent..
    That laundry is not very clean, she
    continued, she doesn't
    know how to wash correctly.

    Every time
    her neighbor would hang her
    to dry, the young woman would
    the same comments..
    About one
    month later, the young lady was
    surprised to see a nice clean wash
    the line and said to her husband:
    Look! She has learned how to
    correctly. I wonder who taught
    The husband said: I got up early
    this morning
    and cleaned our

    So it is with life: What we see
    watching others, depends on the
    purity of the window through
    which we
    Before we give any criticism, it
    might be a good idea to check
    state of mind and ask ourselves if
    are ready to see the good rather
    than to be looking for something
    else in the
    person we are about to judge.

    wishing you a hAPPY EASTEr
    you can cLICK HERe to JOIN US ON FACEBOOk if you're yet to do so... Also, cLICK HERe to rEAD OUR WONlaughUL JOKEs while you're on facebook.
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    Thursday, April 5, 2012


    Aoccdrnig to a rscheaerch at an Elingsh Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in what oredr the lettres in a wrod are, the olny improtant thing is that the frist and last letter is at the rghit plaec. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wihtout much porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe. The same with love. When you truly love someone you won't mind his or her mistakes, but you understand him/her and move on..

    Don't forget, you were able to read this just because you overlooked the mistakes, if truely you love someone, you won't mind every of their mistakes, you'll just overlook them.
    Share this post with your friends if you love them
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    Wednesday, April 4, 2012


    This teenager lived alone with his father, and the
    two of them had a very special relationship.
    Even though the son was always on the bench,
    his father was always in the stands cheering. He
    never missed a game.This young man was still
    the smallest of the class when he entered high
    school. But his father continued to encourage
    him but also made it very clear that he did not
    have to play football if he didn't want to.
    But the young man loved football and decided
    to hang in there. He was determined to try his
    best at every practice, and perhaps he'd get to
    play when he became a senior. All through high
    school he never missed a practice nor a game,
    but remained a bench warmer all four years.
    His faithful father was always in the stands,
    always with words of encouragement for him.
    When the young man went to college, he
    decided to try out for the football team as a
    "walk-on." Everyone was sure he could never
    make the cut, but he did. The coach admitted
    that he kept him on the roste because he
    always puts his heart and soul into every
    practice, and at the same time, provided the
    other members with the spirit and hustle they
    badly needed.The news that he had survived
    the cut thrilled him so much that he rushed to
    the nearest phone and called his father. His
    father shared his excitement and was sent
    season tickets for all the college games.
    This persistent young athlete never missed
    practice during his four years at college, but he
    never got to play in the game.It was the end of
    his senior football season, and as he trotted
    onto the practice field shortly before the big play
    off game, the coach met him with a telegram.
    The young man read the telegram and he
    became deathly silent. Swallowing hard, he
    mumbled to the coach, "My father died this
    morning. Is it all right if I miss practice today?"
    The coach put his arm gently around his
    shoulder and said, "Take the rest of the week
    off, son. And don't even plan to come back to
    the game on Saturday.
    Saturday arrived, and the game was not going
    well. In the third quarter, when the team was
    ten points behind, a silent young man quietly
    slipped into the empty locker room and put on
    his football gear. As he ran onto the sidelines,
    the coach and his players were astounded to
    see their faithful teammate back so
    soon."Coach, please let me play. I've just got to
    play today," said the young man. The coach
    pretended not to hear him. There was no way
    he wanted his worst player in this close playoff
    game. But the young man persisted, and finally
    feeling sorry for the kid, the coach gave in. "All
    right," he said."You can go in."
    Before long, the coach, the players and
    everyone in the stands could not believe their
    eyes. This little unknown, who had never
    played before was doing everything right. The
    opposing team could not stop him. He ran, he
    passed, blocked and tackled like a star. His team
    began to triumph. The score was soon tied. In
    the closing seconds of the game, this kid
    intercepted a pass and ran all the way for the
    winning touchdown.
    The fans broke loose. His teammates hoisted
    him onto their shoulders. Such cheering you've
    never heard! Finally, after the stands had
    emptied and the team had showered and left
    the locker room, the coach noticed that the
    young man was sitting quietly in the corner all
    alone. The coach came to him and said, "Kid, I
    can't believe it. You were fantastic! Tell me what
    got into you? How did you do it?"
    He looked at the coach, with tears in his eyes,
    and said, "Well, you knew my dad died, but did
    you know that my dad was blind?" The young
    man swallowed hard and forced a smile, "Dad
    came to all my games, but today was the first
    time he could see me play, and I wanted to
    show him I could do it!"

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